
“Contemplation” emotion and situation cards portray a man in his own world, coexisting with nature. These cards convey different emotions and situations that reflect on what is happening in his life.

The situations portrayed on the cards help him explore his inner world and safely look back to the past events, including to the emotions and thoughts associated. With the help of the cards, it is possible to talk about life values and act out possible future situations. It is good to use them for helping to adjust to different roles, thereby mapping problematic relationships with other people.

The face of the man on the pictures has not been drawn out. This is a source of additional information as the user can imagine and describe the look on the face according to personal associations. Cards can be picked blind or also chosen deliberately. In both cases, the man recognizes himself on the card and his own story evolves from that.

The set includes: 54 cards and some exercises.

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SKU: SK-2020-02 Category:

Additional information

Weight 0.250 kg
Exercise language selection:

in English, in Estonian, in German, in Russian, in Spanish, In Romania