Supervision enables the organization to get back recovered and more confident employees who ensure better services to customers!
Take a short break and answer the following questions. Do you sometimes feel that:
- You take your work troubles home with you?
- You are having trouble with a customer case?
- You are on a verge of burnout?
- Nothing depends on you?
- You have no motivation to go to work?
- It is difficult to communicate with a colleague?
- It is difficult to stay neutral with some customer cases and you take it too hard?
- You are alone with your work troubles?
- You just can’t do it anymore?
- You could benefit from exchanging experiences?
- It is hard to stay calm in some difficult situations?
If you answered yes to one or more of the above questions, participating in the supervision process may be helpful.

Although work can be so burdensome for a person that he or she may drown in it, there is nothing wrong with work in itself. On the contrary. Work is a gift to a person and even a source of pleasure. Working is a natural human need. We want to express ourselves through work and be creative…It is only important to look at how a person reacts to working (T. Hellsten 2017), how he feels, what kind of strength reserves and goals he has …
In counseling work, I consider it important to understand the “world” the client lives in: what surrounds him/ her, what his/ her experiences, what moment he/ she is in now and where he/ she wants to go. Gradually, together with the client, I move to the topic(s) that are important to him/ her. It is safe to explore it together! I help to look at the “big picture” and move at the client’s pace.
In my approach, I am assertive and rather solution-oriented.
In my work as a supervisor and coach, I use several different techniques based on the client’s topic. I value every individual and I find that my great strength is understanding a person and being able to make a person feel comfortable in counseling
Supervision is a process based on trust and a safe relationship.
Supervision is a process based on trust and a safe relationship
Forms of supervision:
- Organizational supervision – working with the whole organization (both individually and in groups)
- Individual supervision – a meeting between a supervisor and a supervisee
- Team supervision – e.g. employees of a department (including their manager) meet at certain intervals
- Group supervision – supervision of people of the same profession (from different companies)
- Network/project supervision – a network of specialists that work together to achieve common goals
The below figure outlines some possible topics for individual and team supervision.
The figure outlines some possible topics for individual and team supervision
During supervision, a person can analyze himself, learning how to use his skills and abilities in his work in the best possible way while also sparing himself. The goal is to empower people, help create clarity and find new solutions for complex work situations as well as find new inner resources.
Supervision doesn’t necessarily have to come with a concern or problem. You can also turn to us if you desire changes in your working life and to work with personal goals.
A supervisor is a specially trained counselor who meets the requirements of ANSE (Association of National Organizations for Supervision in Europe) and is competent to provide job counseling according to your needs. An external supervisor can express an independent view of a person’s work since he is not directly involved in the work environment.
Already 9 years experience
If you have any questions or want to share something, feel free to contact us!
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